Monitoring MSMQ


I have been looking for a solution to monitor MSMQ queues at work.  Luckily, Windows ships with 2 tools that we can utilize to help us out: Performance Monitor and Event Log.

Alerts are defined in perfmon to monitor the number of messages in our queues.  When the limit is reached, a trigger is fired.  In our installation, we have the trigger set to write a message to the event log using a specific event id.  The operations/infrastructure team responsible for keeping the systems running use a commercial product to watch the event logs for our event id.

How do you monitor MSMQ?


Yoel Arnon said...

You are welcome to look at my MSMQ WMI provider at
. It is using the MSMQ admin API to measure variables like number of messages in the queue - achieving better accuracy than perf. counters, and also the ability to monitor as many queues as there are on the machine (perf. counters are limited to the first 97 queues - enough for most people, but not all...). In addition, WMI provider let you monitor other variables, like oldest message in each queue.
All the best,
Yoel -

James said...

Thanks for the link. I will take a look at it and see how difficult it would be to put a nice UI on top of it for our operations staff. I don't have a lot of experience with WMI but based on a quick google search it doesn't seem overly difficult to pick up.

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